Carry a jerry fuel can

by Alan - Submitted Dec 2009
(Sydney, NSW)

Fuel cans restrained

Fuel cans restrained

Hi, as I am planning a long trip through NSW and ACT on a corolla. I just wonder if carry 20L of petrol in a metal Jerry can that complies with the AS 2906 in side the cabin is legal in NSW and ACT?
Also, is there a better way of carrying the can without the need to installing a rack at the back of the vehicle?

Rita's reply to carry a jerry can

Hi Alan,

good question that certainly is of interest for all travellers to remote areas in Australia. As far as I know

  • carrying dangerous goods laws are uniform in all states of Australia

  • jerry cans shouldn't be more that 25 l

  • containers must be approved to carry class 3 dangerous liquids (AS2906)

  • you should carry less than 250 l petrol in a vehicle

  • you are reliable for safe transport, eg. store the can safely, cans don't leak, rubber seal of the lid is tight etc. The can must be well restrained in the boot of your car.

  • don't smoke in the car

  • don't fill the can up to its max, it might leak if it gets hot. Petrol fumes are a hazard to your health, and can be explosive.

  • ask your car insurance company about their policies of carrying fuel in the car

This is NOT legal advice, it is just what I learned when I prepared my own Outback trips. You might find more information on this government website.

I for one wouldn't carry a jerry can on the back of the car. It could become a "bomb" if you have an accident.

Do you plan to go to extremely remote areas with no fuel available for hundreds of kilometres? You are probably better off if you plan your daily route and refuel whenever possible than having a smelly jerry can in your car.


Comments for Carry a jerry fuel can

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Jul 17, 2015
Carry fuel externally
by: Anonymous

Worksafe recommends fuel is not carried inside the vehicle, including in the boot.

Dec 10, 2009
another ques.
by: Alan

Thanks for your advice. just another question, I have seen (on other 4WD forum sites) that, you either top up the can or leave it empty when carrying in a vehicle as air expands 3 times more than petrol does. Is it true?

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